Friday, 18 January 2013

LIFE story!

      Much Ado about Nothing, Oliver Twist, Heart of Darkness, The Odyssey, The Bible ... What do these all have in common? Aren't they all stories that were written long ago, and yet continue to compel us?
      The whole idea of 'Story' has fascinated me for a long time. I am an avid reader, something I credit eleven years of home-schooling for. I love how stories relate to my own life... how they open up previously unthought-of possibilities... I especially love biographies, like Jungle Pilot (Nate Saint's story), Kisses from Katie (Katie Davis' story), and my latest read, An Autobiography of George Muller. These real-life stories inspire me because they actually happened. Fiction authors can construe any unlikely scenario and insert it into their plot.
      However, I like fiction as well. Artful authors can write stories that speak truth into difficult situations and question societal expectations, even if they have no single person's story to tell. For me, Deadline by Randy Alcorn was one such thought-provoking read. Another good book is A million miles in a thousand years by Don Miller, which not only stimulated by brain cells but also helped to shape my love and appreciation of 'Story' itself.
      I am not entirely sure what is so compelling about story, except that maybe it is wired into us . According to one source, it seems we may possess some 'story-telling' gene that enables us to look into the future and analyze the past, relating everything together into a cohesive story. (I am trying to unearth the link to where I learned that, but am having some difficulties.  I heard it on a movie interview with a professional story-teller, but can't quite remember where.  If you are interested in this, contact me and I will try to find it and send it to you.)
      Maybe we are attracted by 'Story' because we are part of a story ourselves, told by a story-telling God who made us in His image. Maybe 'Story' speaks to us because we are living it as part of God's comprehensive story of Redemption..
      I love how everyone has their own subplot to relate in this overarching story that God is telling in the world. In every boring face that I see is a challenge to unearth whatever interesting story it hides. At one ladies' Christmas program, I found myself next to an amiable enough, well-dressed lady. We had barely started into our desserts, and I was already bored by the small talk. So I decided to show interest in her as a person and the story she had to tell. It turned out that she is a Christian now, but her ancestors were Mennonites in Russia. During WWII, Lenin sent her grandfather to a Siberian concentration camp because he refused to fight as a soldier. Her grandfather survived, however, by escaping with the lumber that he loaded onto ships headed for England... What a story! It turned out to be an interesting evening after all.
      I like to hear people's stories, and not only because I find it personally interesting. It also excites me to see how God is working in the world—it is like reading the God's story of redemption hot off the press! As we share our stories, we get a better picture of who this God is that we serve and what His kingdom looks like. In Ephesians 3, Paul prays that we would begin to know, with all our fellow believers, what is the height and breadth and depth and height of Christ's love. Christ's love is sooo big that it takes all the believers to even begin to understand it! I like to think of it in terms of the story of the blind men who wanted to find out what an elephant is like. They all went up to an elephant and felt it. The first felt its tail and thought, “Ahhh. An elephant is long and thin, like a rope.” The second felt is massive side: “I see, an elephant is broad and flat like a wall.” The third felt the beast's leg, and concluded that “an elephant is strong and round like a pillar.” Then they spent the rest of the day arguing over what an elephant was like. By themselves, none of them had the whole picture. Yet, if they combined their experiences, they would begin to grasp the magnitude and nature of the beast that we call 'elephant.'
      On this blog, I want to open up and share my story within God's story. I hope that as I share how God is penning my life, it would encourage you in your story and give you a fuller picture of our awesome Creator God. I don't know what this coming year will look like, but I know that it will be exciting because it is has a purpose and a goal, and it is told by a Master Story-teller.

blog: new name

Hello readers,
Just to let you know that I am changing the title and purpose of this blog from "Faith... Hope... Love..." to "LIFE story."  So don't become confused and do come back and read more!  My next post will share with you the new vision for this blog (which will hopefully breathe some new life into it).  Thank you for stopping by to 'chat' with me!  I appreciate it