My GlobeTREK

GlobeTREK:  Travel, Research and Education for the Kingdom!

Currently I am studying for a Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies at Prairie Bible Institute.  This program includes an amazing opportunity called GlobeTREK, which I will be embarking on in September, 2014

13 COUNTRIES                                     4 continents
                     learning from and working alongside different missions and organizations                
-  language-learning
          ministry opportunities with orphans, street kids, prisoners, AIDS victims, former victims of human trafficking...
                          6 month internship                                     thirty credits of schoolwork
These are some words that tell at little bit about the program.  If you want to find out more, check out Prairie's page at

My 6 month internship:  
My internship will be with Jubilee Community Church in Capetown, South Africa (  There I look forward to growing into the things that God wants to teach me and prepare me for, sharing the insights and skills that God has developed in me through my years of schooling.  Jubilee Community Church is involved in a plethora of ministries, and I look forward to partnering with them in serving the Capetown Community.  While I am prepared to serve where and as needed, I especially am excited to be involved with their Pregnancy Help Center (which is associated with Jubilee's health clinic and reaches out to young women with crisis pregnancies).  God is doing exciting things through this church, and I look forward to being part of it and serving with them.

My long-term goals:
My dream is to earn a Master's degree in Biblical Counselling and use it overseas to serve missionary kids or young women and girls.  Interacting with the various missionaries and the ministries at Jubilee Community Church in Capetown, South Africa, will be an invaluable experience and preparation for this.  I feel very privileged to be part of GlobeTREK and anticipate how it will equip me in my life work.

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