Support me!

Hi!  I welcome you to become involved in this venture by proxy!  Serving Christ is something that we never do alone, and I invite you to be part of this journey and ministry through prayer and finances.

Prayer...  Unless God blesses and directs this venture, it is in vain.  Prayer is powerful, and you help together in prayer for me and my fellow GlobeTREKkers, it really makes a difference (I Corinthians 1:9-11).  Thank you so much for your prayers!

Prayer items:
- that I could raise sufficient funds for GlobeTREK
- that I would have wisdom and patience as I prepare to leave in three short months
- that I would be fully present and ready to serve others throughout this summer, even while I am busy preparing for and thinking about this coming year
- thanksgiving for supportive family and friends
- thanksgiving for this opportunity that God has given me

Finances...  Financial support is appreciated as the cost for this expedition is around $20,000.  As a team we have worked together to raise some funds already through recycling bottles, selling pies at the Global Connections Conference at Prairie Bible Institute and selling plant bulbs.  However, there is still much left to raise!  Any help is appreciated, and you will receive a tax receipt for your donation since much of the work I will be doing is charitable work overseas.

To Donate:
- visit either
  to donate in US funds
   OR to donate in Canadian funds
- enter a donation amount
- select "GlobeTREK (BAIS) Cross-Cultural Internship" under designation
- click "add donation"
- place my name, "Melissa Otten," in the comments line
- fill out the remainder of the form and click "donate now" at the bottom of the page

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your support!  May God bless you as you participate in His work with me.  And don't forget to keep checking my blog for updates!

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