Wednesday 9 July 2014

A 'faucet-nating' update

So for some random updates...
I know that updates can sometimes be unexciting, but hopefully you will find these ones 'faucet-nating' (fascinating). 
Bonjour mes chers amis!  As alluded to, preparation for GlobeTREK includes many 'faucets' (facets).
1) French faucet

 For one, I am learning French. This was on recommendation from a woman at the Jubilee Health Centre that I am communicating with. And, after spending a week in Quebec, I am more than excited to learn this beautiful language. My knowledge of Spanish helps with comprehension... pronunciation is another story! But I have taken out some resources from the library—including an audio disc!--and so here goes.
2) "The Basics" Faucet
Another prep-area is my personal walk with God. I know that this coming year will be very challenging on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. I am reading a book from Open Doors called “Standing Strong Through the Storm” by Paul Estabrooks and Jim Cunningham. This book looks at persecution, the results of persecution, and what that means for the persecuted as well as those living in 'free societies.' It provides biblical keys for Christians to enable them to stand strong and be victorious no matter what storms they face.  
So, "let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful" (Hebrews 10:23)!
3) The public washroom faucet
And here come the airport washroom faucets! As far as I know, my plane ticket to my 6 month destination, South Africa, has been booked now. Hurrah! I can't believe how quickly the travels are approaching!

In regards to all these preparations, I have several prayer requests and praises:
  • I have been experiencing some difficulty in applying for visas, but it looks like that could be clearing up (thanksgiving!).  However, continued prayer that these logistics will work out is still appreciated.
  • Prayer for spiritual growth and maturity.
  • Thanksgiving for the support of my family in this venture. 
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."  Ephesians 3:20-21