Wednesday, 8 July 2015


     It would sound painfully cliche if it weren't true:  TIME FLIES!!!  I can hardly believe that I have been on Canadian soil for almost two months now.  It is strange to think that GlobeTREK is now over because I feel like it is still an ongoing dynamic part of me.  Often my mind finds itself on the Nile in Cairo, or at the health center in Cape Town, or walking down the streets of Istanbul with Kara and Sarah.
     I find myself smiling as I remember the Turkish vendor trying to sell us scarves:  "Look at my scarves!  These beautiful scarves will make you look ten years younger!"  When Kara, Sarah, and I heard that, we burst out laughing.  We didn't exactly feel like looking twelve years old again!  How old did he imagine we were?
     I find myself contemplating the difficulties of ministry and people's expectations.  In India, a woman at the Operation Mobilization Center told us about the difficulty they encountered when they began teaching pastors about healthy living and taking good care of their bodies.  You see, it doesn't do for a pastor to be fit!   Pastors need to have a bit of weight on them to show that they are faithfully visiting their church members, receiving their hospitality, and spending time studying and praying!
     And I find myself marvelling at how safe Canada is!  I can walk with my mom down to the  corner store to buy milk at 9 at night.  I can leave my purse by the front door.  I don't have to worry about setting off an alarm system when I leave the house or return.  No car-jacking prevention alarms go off randomly on road trips.

     Is this really all over for the time being?  Though I find it hard to believe that this is so, it technically is.  So before I forget, I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone
who supported me financially,
who helped me in practical ways,
who encouraged me,
who prayed for me,
who read my blog posts,
who befriended me and cared for me,
Thank you, Merci beaucoup, Spasibo,  Cảm ơn,  Enkosi,  Danke!  May you be blessed.
...And may the adventures and friendships continue :)