Thursday, 15 May 2014

mezzoforte trust

And so I now revisit and revive my blog :) I am excited to be blogging once again, and to have something to blog about. Currently, my life is an interesting mesh of studying, odd jobs and preparing for GlobeTREK while I am home for the summer.
...And inbetween I make time to play piano... I think that is something that I will miss a lot during the coming nine months of travel. 
But maybe I shouldn't worry because God often provides little unexpected blessings! My trust varies between piannisimo to forte, though God has never let me down.  Sometimes His provision looks different than I expect, but it's always there!  
During one year of university, I only had access to a piano once a week at church. THEN... a couple from my church who live across from my dad's work were getting rid of their piano. They said if we would take care of moving it out, we wouldn't have to pay anything. So my dad and my uncle helped move it into my apartment at school! Thankfully the landlord didn't mind... especially since the piano was so heavy that my dad said he wasn't bringing it anywhere else after that! For all I know, that piano is still sitting on the main floor of a dinky little house in St Catharines. I hope someone else is appreciating it :)
In the meantime, I am appreciating my parent's piano at home.  I play it as much as I can in a house with one piano and four pianists.  My mom jokes that we need a sign-up sheet on the living-room wall!  Sometimes we compromise though, and I play piano, my sister sings, my brother plays guitar, and my mom listens.  
Isn't it amazing how our God delights to enthrone Himself on the praises of His people? (Psalm 22:3) I continue to marvel at how God delights to be magnified through means that bring us such joy at the same time! 

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