Tuesday, 6 March 2012

     Some more musings... But this time on logic.  It is truly comical to contemplate what different cultures call convincing.  In rational North America, it is a compliment (supposedly) for someone to say "I think that I love you" (of course, with the appropriate expression and hushed tone).  However, in emotional Latin America, anything less than undying love from a captive heart is a demeaning insult! 
     What do you find persuasive?  Is it logic, evidence, feeling, analogies, parables?  Some court cases in tribal Africa are solved by applying sayings and folklore that fit the situation.  In the Bible, Moses solved court cases according to God's revealed law.  In North America, judges appeal to 'precedent', or they set precedents according to the whims of the masses. 
     I had a funny little experience just a little while ago with persuasion.  My friend called me downstairs to examine a suspicious mystery puddle in the middle of the room downstairs.  I cogitated that in this empirical culture, we believe that there must be a rational reason for it:  Did the roof leak?  Well, everything else was dry, and it hadn't rained lately.  Did she spill water on the floor when she was watering her bouganvilla plants?  If so, though, why did she spill in that strange spot instead of closer to the actual plant?  Hmmm... Maybe someone let in a stray cat or dog?  We were beginning to run out of ideas!
     Empirical cultures do complicate things, don't they?  If we lived in a more spiritist culture, I could simply attribute it to some spirit's piddle and that would be that... But my friend didn't find that very convincing!
     But seriously, what is your ultimate court of appeal?  Do you believe it if you see it?  If it makes sense logically?  Let me just warn you that man has often been deceived.  Our senses can be deceived.  I've heard that our brains will manufacture sensations if our senses are cut off from the outside world.  The only unchanging and trustworthy source in this world is God's Word, the Bible.  The very 'laws of logic' which so many people swear by in opposition to God's Word cannot exist without an unchanging, immaterial God behind them (Greg Bahnsen has a lot more to elaborate on this interesting topic!).  God's Word is truth, it stands unchanged, and it speaks to every area of life with the authority of God Himself.

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