Thursday, 27 November 2014

A morning surprise

R eveling raindrop
A uspiciously sparkle in the aurora and
I nspire a rim of radiant colors
N estled in a nook on Table Mountain above UCT--
B right, buoyant, beyond the blackness of the rainclouds
O nly those who are awake and looking can observe it, and
W e smile at the promise for the day

ps I am not sure if my photos are uploading correctly onto my blog.  At the top of this post you should see a beautiful view of Table Mountain with the rainbow I saw this morning... if you don't, please comment on this post and I will try to fix it!  Thank you :)


  1. Sorry... cannot see the photos. :(
    God bless you Melissa.

  2. Hey Mel, I can't see the photo, but I'm sure it's beautiful! So glad to hear of all that you are learning in South Africa.

  3. Sorry you can't see the pictures! I have to learn how to post them properly. In the meantime, you will just have to take my word for it. And... thanks for reading my posts :)
